Christmas Elves

We spent most of December in Minneapolis, where Finn enjoyed the cold temps and lots of snow!  Grandma and Grandpa Traegs were happy to have both Finn and his cousin Ella there together…. so happy that they couldn’t resist dressing them up as Santa’s Lil Elves!  Finn spent most of his free time chatting it up with anyone who would listen and kicking his legs, literally nonstop, when on the floor.  Ella spent most of her time crawling all over everything, including Finn.  When Ella did talk, it included lots of shrieking, and Finn would sob almost every time!  Wish we had caught that on video… 🙂

Finn is getting closer to crawling every day, and he is also close to sitting unsupported.  His first two teeth came in during early December… he’s looking more like a little boy every day! He is also LOVING solid foods, but they’re not settling well with him, so we’re taking it slow, despite his enthusiasm!

2 responses to “Christmas Elves

  1. All I can say is what a cutie! Never takes a bad picture! I love the Picture with Finn in the laundry basket! Brings back memories!!!! Keep posting Pictures. Look forward to them! Luv, Gigi

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